Wednesday 24 June 2015

Pope Francis goes Viral on Twitter-Amen

Aristotle—the father of rhetoric—once said, “The greatest thing by far is to be a master of metaphor.” Pope Francis has mastered it, which is one reason why the world is reflecting on and sharing his ideas.

So  Silently,
And Quietly,
The Church resides.
To compare beliefs is rehtoric,
distasteful,and pathetic.

But when Pope Francis spoke,I heard thunder.

The 17 Words That Made Pope Francis' Climate Change Letter Go Viral

For example, among the 38,000 words contained in the climate change letter, Francis chose to post the following 17-word tweet:

The earth, our home, is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth.

The sentence was re-tweeted 30,000 times, repeated in more than 430,000 articles and used in many headlines, like this article in the Guardian.

The sentence originally went out as a tweet on the official Twitter account for Pope Francis (@pontifex). Interestingly, more than 60 tweets were posted on the account on July 18 to share the letter’s content. Since Pope Francis has 6.4 million followers, it’s not unusual to see a post re-tweeted thousands of times. And, indeed, each tweet was re-tweeted anywhere from 1,000 to 6,000 times. However, the analogy that the Earth is like a “pile of filth” was re-tweeted 30,000 times, making it by far the most popular post on Francis’ Twitter account.

Aristotle—the father of rhetoric—once said, “The greatest thing by far is to be a master of metaphor.” Pope Francis has mastered it, which is one reason why the world is reflecting on and sharing his ideas.
